Acing Your Interview

Webinar hosted by Harvard Alumni Association.

Matthew Temple discusses tools and tips to help you ace your next interview. Topics include developing a “sell sheet,” answering negative-based interview questions, avoiding common mistakes, closing the interview, and preparing for phone and video interviews.


Reinventing Your Career

Webinar hosted by Harvard Alumni Association.

Matthew Temple leads this HAA webinar on strategies, exercises, and ways to navigate reinventing your career.


Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Webinar hosted by Harvard Alumni Association.

Matthew Temple leads this HAA webinar advising alumni on how to maximize their profile potential on LinkedIn.


Creating a Powerful Resume

Webinar hosted by Northwestern Kellogg School of Management.

Matthew Temple leads a webinar detailing advise for creating a powerful resume.

Click through to watch video.

Click through to watch video.

Building & Maintaining Resilience when Job Searching in a Downturn

Guest Speaker on iRelaunch’s Podcast

Matthew Temple joins the iRelaunch podcast talk about building and maintaining resilience when job searching in a downturn; how to best use your time while at home; tips on video interviewing and other elements of the remote job search and more.

Click through to listen to the episode.

Click through to listen to the episode.

Acing Your Virtual Interview

Webinar with AthletesLaunch.

Matthew Temple joins Athletes Launch for a webinar on tips for successfully conducting virtual interviews.